Lemon Pepper Chicken with Roasted Corn. Got the chicken from the Beef Palace in Huntington Beach. You will never find a better, plumper, juicier chicken then at this place. They're old school though-they don't take Credit Cards and don't have a website. I can't stress enough to click on the pics for a better view of the food items. The Chicken in particular looks fantastic.
Here is a picture of one of my favorite summer side dishes, sliced tomatoes topped with onion slices that my wife manages to tame down a bit by soaking in water and rice vinegar, and then tops the whole thing with a drizzle of some japanese style dressing that I have no idea what it or what the brand is as its all in japanese characters. Apparently its not available here in the states, we get it sent in the occasional care package sent from Hayama Japan.
Slices of the Miso-Garlic Tuna. One day I will try this with fresh Ahi tuna and keep the middle rare. The Miso makes a fantastic glaze.
Another shot of the two....
Here is the chicken, once again you just simply cant go wrong with Chicken from the Beef Palace.
Homer helps out with manning the BBQ and savors the wine. Truth be told I thought the Ghost Pines Cab was better then the Merlot. It was still very very good especially for the price but if the Cab was a home run we'll call the Merlot a double. I would still go with the Chateau St Michelle for Merlot.
Alex overlooks the spread. He has had Homer mac N Cheese in the past and was very very happy to get more of it on this night. His night got better as we not only had peach pie after wards-but he got to play his new favorite game...Blackjack. Homers Mac n Cheese is fantastic...I would give the recipe here but Im sworn to secrecy.
The Tuna was great. Call me when you cook it again. That was the best Mac and Cheese that I have ever made. I rock.
Nice pairings on the wine and food! I really like the Ghost Pines myself. In fact, that's how I found your blog! I like your sense of wine and food pairing ... you have a good palate! And a funny sense of humor. Keep up the blogging!
Thanks for the kind words Broseph...I look forward to getting more feedback from you. Let me know if you have a blog and want to exchange links.
Homer-thanks again for coming by, We had a great time.
I should start one. Too busy with work lately though! How do you find the time, what with the kids and all. When's the next blog coming? Can I give you a suggestion? Estancia Meritage, Paso Robels 2006. Black cherry, maybe some nuances of sage on the finish. SMOOTH wine, and reasonably priced in the 20 dollar range. I save mine for stake nights!
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