Having thrown my hat into the blogging realm 5 or so years ago...this blog is all about wine, food, bbq, travel and anything else I can find and deem particularly worthy of writing about.
Monday, July 29, 2013
Food Factory Grill- Best Chicken in South OC
Stopped by the Food Factory grill to meet a friend for a business meeting. He had talked this place up so finally had a chance to try and see for myself. Now I admit, I was not the hungry...as a matter of fact I was almost tempted to not order anything as I was fine after a light lunch a few hours previous. But after talking with one of the friendly staff about indian and lebanese food, they made me a small sampler type dish that was not on the menu simply so I can try their food. I say that in advance as this was not on the menu or an official offering as much as a good will gesture so an obvious foodie could eat their food.
Out came a small square dish with some chicken cut from a kabob, two kinds of rice, a bit of their house salad, and some curried lentils. All I can say is....Im a believer. The chicken was moist and tender, reminded me a bit of tandoori chicken with the flavor but was so moist I'm almost hungry again just thinking about it. I later found out they use a marinade similar to tandoori chicken although they would not reveal and other details for obvious reasons.
The two rices were both delicious as well, the basmati being normal white basmati rice, the other being spinach herb basmati which I had never seen before. It had a nice gentle flavor, you could taste a bit of seasoning and it was certainly mild which served as the perfect counter balance to the Curried Lentils.
There was no shortage of flavor and this dish very much reminded me of some of the indian offerings served at Annapoorna in Irvine. A load of flavor and a loaf of spices without being over the top. Once again....served as the perfect foil for the green basmati. Between the chicken and the curried lentils alone, the Food Factory grill should have no shortage of customers as both were fantastic.
The house salad was good as well, pretty much what you would expect with assorted sliced veggies in a creamy yogurt sauce. On a warm day though, the cold tang of the dish was certainly well received and without a doubt anyone hungry for a healthy, vegetarian lunch would be well served to order it.
All in all, the dished I tried were very, very good. And given the local choices in that area being Slaters 50/50 and Tommy's Chili Burgers, I think the Food Factory Grill will do very well knowing the other dining options are not what one would consider to be even semi healthy.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Zion Day 3; Our Biggest Adventure Yet
I woke feeling refreshed, and the fact
the bed was level, plush, and downright comfy made me wish I had done
anything I could to stay here just a bit little longer. The morning
view through the cathedral windows was glorious in splendor and
served to reaffirm my faith in life and beauty....and the fresh cup
of Kona Blend made from an honest to god real coffee maker didn't
hurt either. We had a lot of things planned in the afternoon that
revolved around the activities at the Zion Ponderosa which meant we
only had about ½ a day to stay with the confines of the Zion
National Park.
We made the trek back through the
Tunnel and had the agenda to spend sometime at the Zion Museum, a
walk on the River at a trail called Lower Falls trail, and a final
walk on the Canyon Overlook which according to the guides was a 1
mile moderate hike. We originally were going to do the canyon
overlook first but based on the fact it was Saturday and we planned
to park at the Museum parking lot as opposed to the real parking lot,
rolled the dice for parking at the museum.
Alas we were too late, and I had to
park at a turn out and walk to the museum after dropping off the
family first and make a short walk back to the museum. We took the
shuttle to the Cable Junction departure point and crossed the street
towards the first trail. It was an easy walk and one which we hoped
for since we knew would be climbing some stairs soon. The Virgin
river flowed and its waters looked pristine, almost as if mother
nature was giving a come hither look. As me and the kids hopped along
some of the rocks on the banks of the river, one of the kids spotted
a toad on the bank. Only remarkable thing here is I remember as a boy
living on the Huntington Beach/Westminster border frogs and toads
were fairly common, but for some reason I couldn't recall the last
time I saw one in OC. Neither here nor there but a curious notion
none the less.
The Virgin River |
After that was a short period spent in
the museum. The air condition felt good and the various artifacts
were certainly interesting, and made even the more by the glorious
view offered from the museums patio which showed proudly displayed
some of Zions most majestic mountain views. There is no shortage of
majestic views in Zion, but those who planned the museums location
clearly had this spot in mind when choosing the location, it was one
of those nature scenes in which you could easily have a seat and just
gaze for hours at the sight which presented itself. I wished I had
more time to take it in both with a bevy of activities still to
achieve along with the Canyon Overlook hike there was no time to
We made our way back through the two
tunnels that separate Springdale and Mt Carmel and found the parking
lot for the canyon overlook full. I thought about parking in the
handicapped spot and taking my chances but decided to kill 10-15
minutes and hoped someone would come down the hill thus opening a
spot....and luck would have it a Chinese couple came down and pointed
to the space their car was parked in.
Now the Canyon Overlook is one of the
most scenic hikes in Zion and the one mile descent didnt seem too
difficult as most of the parking maps said this was a moderate hike
and not strenuous. But after looking at the first set of stairs, we
thought it best to let my dad stay in the van and hang which proved
to be a fine idea. Now grandma on the other hand could not wait to
tackle the challenge and was clearly invigorated from the whole trip.
Only a few years removed from knee replacement surgery I was a bit
worried, but the broken hockey stick I converted into a hiking stick
served as a fine assistant for the sometimes uneven footing. Apart
from the stairs, both man made and stone, there was a covered area
which not only provided some much needed shade, but also had a sandy
bottom that we all agreed had to be the worlds greatest camping
spot....provided a long horned sheep or mountain lion wasnt using the
facilities. I was assuming the hike was a quick one, but it was a bit
more then we bargained for and every corner was met with yet another
flight of stairs, and yet more corners and climbs to face. We finally
made the top of the hike which proved to be worth the walk. Apart
from the snaking roadway that made its way to the tunnel, the
elevation along with the view, along with standing on a few of the
rocks that made the ascent even higher was a joy to behold. And was a
bit of a weird feeling to see my Mother there to celebrate with us.
On the way back we cam across an Indian family resting in the shade
of the covered rocky overhang, and gave a bit of a double take to see
mother making the hike back down. The older gent asked how old she
was and my mom said something like “age is only a state of mind”
or something thereof. They gave us a big smile. Of course on the way
up and back every passerby was friendly and made some comment about
our crew.
The worlds greatest camp site. |
The Top of the Canyon Overlook |
We made it back to the lodge for a
quick rest and a bit to eat but the rest of the afternoon proved to
be a busy one as we had miniature golf, our 6 person atv ride, and
zip lining on the agenda.
Miniature golf was kind of white
trashish, and I almost wish I had worn one of my cutoff shirts and
drank a can of Pabst to seal the white trash deal. Time ran low
though so we were only able to finish around 9 holes. I did like the
fact the course had ramps that led to the water, and white and green
shag carpet that served as pseudo sand and rough.
We made it back to the recreation hall
to get our ATV and the guy working the front desk came to give me the
once over of the vehicle. He asked if I had ever driven one, and of
course being a man I said, “oh yeah all the time” which was a
complete lie. We were given a lot of warnings about not getting it
over 30 mphs were later proved to be a bit of salesmanship. We were
handed a crudely drawn map and given some vague instructions on some
nice trails and off we went.
Of course, through years of playing off
road racing video games there was no way in hell I was going to go at
Autopia speeds. Once we were out of the parking lot I pushed the
petal to the floor and smiled as I watched Tomoko and Alex's heads
jerk backward. My enjoyment of the ATV experience was somewhat
hindered by my family's apprehension to sliding around dirt corners
and trying to go as fast as possible. There was one smooth downhill I
figured I had to take to top speed out of the principle I wanted to
simply see how fast I could get our rented Polaris. And once again
the over 30 mph warning was largely spectacle as even going downhill
while gunning it only achieved a speed of about 35.
We made our first stop at a beautiful
top vista marked by a totem pole, that had the most panoramic view I
had ever saw. According to out guide one could see Zion, the Grand
Canyon, and Bryce Canyon....of which I suppose he was correct. I
could have stayed there for hours but was on the clock and still
wanted a few more opportunities to give my children whiplash. Gramma
was sure having a good time though.
After that beautiful view we tried to
follow the map but after a series of confusing mishaps ended up being
slightly lost in the expanse that served to be the rugged Utah
wilderness. Alex kept asking if we were lost, and I told him
everything was just fine, but truth be told after passing a few
dilapidated trailers and shacks with crudely drawn “no trespassing”
signs I started getting visions of deliverance entering into my
stream of thought. Gramma was sure having a good time though.
Letting the Kids Drive...I figured if I let my 10 year old drive what difference did an open door make? |
The Magic Totem Pole |
Soon we came to an expanse of smooth
dirt road to which Gramma suggested I let the kids sit on my lap and
pilot the vehicle. How could I turn that down? We spent the next few
minutes letting the kids sit on my lap and drive. My white trash side
emerged once again when I looked at the cargo space on the back of
the ATV and wished their was a cooler with some cold beer to complete
the effect. Gramma was sure having a good time though.
After the kids took their turn the wife
asked to drive which I was fine with. As mentioned before though the
Autopia speed morphed into Jungle Cruise speed to the point where I
was almost giving a running commentary on Trader Joe, Schweitzer
Falls, and tigers protecting napping Zebras. Gramma was sure having a
good time though.
Soon I was back in the seat and with
time running out spent the remember of the trip gunning the atv at
full speed sliding into corners, doing donuts, and exploring some of
the back areas that featured a paint ball course as well as a small
dirt track. Good times....well worth the price of rental.
Back at the recreation area we check
the atv back in and soon it was Zip line time. We were relived when
my youngest passed the weight check and was allowed to zip line with
the others. With video camera in hand I was able to record the event
live. As I stood in the field under the line to record the event for
posterity I was able to get my wife and the kids taking turns on the
zip line, and soon noticed a small crowd forming outside the building
which housed the zip line. Putting my glasses on I realized the
people from inside the building had all come out to witness my 71
year old mother do the Zip Line.
As she took a leap off the step, a roar
of applause, whoops, and hollers met my mother as she soared through
the Utah sky. It was a bit surreal actually. I was very happy though,
it was a moment I wont soon forget and the whole trip was a beautiful
event that was priceless. The staff was nice enough to let the whole
crew do another zip from the line before it closed for the evening
and a good time appeared to be had by all.
We made it back to our vacation home
for the final night, I cracked a bottle of Cabernet and cooked the
remaining meat products on the grill and was a bit melancholy this
was to be the last night of what was a very special occasion for so
many reasons. To be able to share so many events with my parents, my
children, and my wife made me realize(for about the millionth time)
how lucky and blessed I truly am. No matter what the employment
situation may be, no matter how uncertain the future, no matter what
the cloudy financial situation may be....I was the richest man in
Zion. I thought of how many people probably had all of lifes luxury
and wealth, but never experienced the love, the comradeship, and
outright enjoyment of familial companionship I had experienced over
the last four days.
And the fact the next day was to be met
by an 8-10 hour drive back to OC made the moment all the more
special. But rest assured readers, I will spare the blog entry about
the ride back.
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Zion Day 2; Scenery Upgrade
I woke feeling like I had no sleep at
all. And being the pull out bed from the couch in the cabin appeared
to be lopsided, with a few of the braces looking bent and out of sort
which made the mattress lean from left to right at about a 10 degree
angle meant, as tired as I was, I still slept an uneasy rest.
We had a big day ahead of us though and
as poorly as I slept, knew there was no time to lose in A)we had to
check out at 11am to move to our newer, posher digs, and B)it was the
first time my Parents were visiting Zion, which of course meant me
being the expert with all of my one, count em', one previous visit
meant either a glorious moment or one from the “what the hell was I
thinking?” file.
As we began to pack I experienced the
first benefit of Zion Ponderosa, and our cabin lodging meant I could
walk over to the cafe/restaurant and fill up my big blue decades old
coffee mug and the $2.50 price was well worth it, as was my breakfast
of day old Costco sandwich, strawberry shortcake cups....minus
strawberries and whipped cream, and a handful of baby swiss flavored
Cheez It's which was rapidly becoming my favorite snack of all time,
running neck and neck with Snyder's Buffalo Wing flavored pretzelsbits which I covered a couple of years ago when we camped at Lake Lopez.
We packed and headed out on the road
and as I promised my family, I stopped at the first attractive
looking turnout and made everyone get out and take a quick mini hike
that I billed as “hiking preseason.” Truth be told, I kind of
wanted to gauge my parents attitude and from this determine what
trails we could walk and which we would avoid at all cost. And as
luck would have it, we had a nice hike and every seemed content and
We entered the main parking lot and
were lucky enough to find a parking spot even though there were signs
posted everywhere that lot of was full and cars must park in the city
and take the Springdale UT shuttle to get back into the park. We
filled our water containers and hit the first shuttle content to do
the River Walk trail which is one of the easier trails in the camp.
And much to my surprise, my mother
seemed to really enjoy it. As a matter of fact, even though she had
knee replacement surgery a few years ago she was leading the charge.
As we walked through the huge expanse of rock that accompanied us on
both sides, she was was a merely a blip on the forward views as what
I thought would originally was going to be “stop if you need to
stop” turned into “is she ever going to stop.” Dad meanwhile
was content to hang in a shady spot and enjoy the scenery, and quite
frankly, my ill advised foray into Scout Leader, had made me a bit
jealous he had the option that I didn't. And the walk on the river
walk is always a bit bitter sweet as it is the trailhead to “the
Narrows,” one of the most famous and picturesque parts of the
park...but also can feature knee high water and some rough currents
which sometime does not always go hand in hand with camping with the
The hike was also noted for the
overaggressive squirrels in the park who not only jump on your lap to
try and get a snack from you, but would also climb on your back pack
and literally attempt to open it to get what every the could..I'm
guessing the squirrels in the park were probably famliar with every
flavor of power bar in existence. I also noted the signs that had
graphic injuries from squirrel bites were gone which made me sad,
nothing more I like the being out in the middle of nature with huge
signs featuring a bleeding hand. It was Zion's version of the lady
who smokes through her trachea.
We stopped for lunch at the Zion lodge,
which was quite nice and not too shabby for food quality. I once had
the worst meal of my life at the restaurant at the top of the Aerial
Tramway in Palm Springs by which all other park restaurants are
judged. And this was not too bad, I had a Utah microbrew lager, which
was refreshing after the days activities. I later stopped by the one
liquor store in town and drew a smile with the same Utah Microbrew
offerings....the best name being “Polygamy Porter.”
We finished our lunch and refilled our
water containers at one of the many parks Spring Water Taps. They
basically take the parks own spring water, treat it, and then have
various spigots around the park for hikers and campers to stay
hydrated with. A very nice touch and sensible arrangement given the
heat and the terrain. I cant help but think if Zion were California
some dopey bureaucrat would be charging 2 bucks for a 10 oz bottle of
It was the midday and we made the walk
up to weeping rock. The trail was not far but certainly was fairly
steep. The wife was concerned it may be too step for my mother but
fueled by her best day ever she made good time, made all the sweeter
by 3 deer foraging by the trail roughly 15 yards from us. One was a
young male, was just starting to sprout some antlers. They were nice
enough to pose for us.
We made the final steps to weeping rock
which is always a great experience. Not only is the view phenomenal,
but the reason it is called “weeping rock” is because the
moisture from the top of the mountain filters through the rock which
gets released on this overlook which creates this amazing rain type
effect. In the heat the drops felt great falling on the top of my
head, and I wasn't the first as many of the hikers were using the
raindrops to moisten their bandannas and hats. I even found a
consistent trickle of water that I opened my mouth to and drank
from...the water was cool and had a slightly miner-ally quality to
it....not surprising there as it was filtering and falling from the
rocky granite.
By this time my mother was in full Zion
mode and wanted to tackle all of the trails, including the Angels
landing, but my dad wasn't fairing so well and by this time the
summers afternoon heat was in full effect which meant it was time to
hit the grocery store and get back to the lodge. We were fortunate in
that we settled for a cabin for the first night but the next two
nights meant we were moving to a full vacation home.
Arriving to the home at Zion Ponderosa was a total 180
from the cabin- spacious, a strong wifi signal, a hot tub, bbq,
enough real beds to sleep our party, and a beautiful view from the
living room that made the drive and the toil completely worth while.
And being a fully stocked vacation home, meant we had a real coffee
maker, a full size fridge, laundry, wine glasses, and everything one
could ever long from on a vacation including directv. I wasn't quite
sure if this was the best vacation home ever or the cabin we stayed
in the previous night just sucked.
I bought some chicken from the market
along with some bbq sauce and some sausages, I was hoping the kitchen
would have salt and pepper and some tongs-Ill be damned if they
didn't have fajita seasoning, all purpose seasoning, and a full bbq
kit with tongs and every other conceivable bbq tool one could every
want. I was almost thinking a red apron would be packed in there
somewhere as well to complete the BBQ supply 101. Hell, they even had a heavy duty metal cheese grater and a lemon zester as well.
To finish the blog entry, the rest of
the night was enjoying our bbq with a bottle of Concannon Merlot,
spending some time in the hot tub, a quick shower, and then a good
nights rest on a mattress that was stable, level, and devoid of metal
framework protruding into the lower vertebrae.
Friday, June 21, 2013
Zion 2013, Zion with Parents and Kids
Rented van stocked with supplies,
parents, and kids and my big blue coffee filled with some of 7/11's
finest; I could not have been happier. I love a long road trip. I
really do. Probably the reason I enjoy Kerouac's “On the Road”
and the final chapters of “Farewell to Arms” where the main
characters set out for some epic journey. And there is something
about being on the road when the sun rises that I find exhilerating,
and this morning was no different.
We were on the road for a 3 night, 4
day trip to Zion National Park. For me it was the second time I was
fortunate to visit which I covered in my previous blog entry about Zion National Park, but was extra excited for my folks; for whom it
was all new. My mother had mentioned it was always something she
wanted to do, along with zip lining, and as chance would have it the
Utah Camping Resort we were staying at happened to have that as well
which meant dear old mom would be able to scratch two items off of
her bucket list.
And unlike last time we visited, we
were driving straight through without any one night stay overs in
Vegas or State Line....which I loved and energized me. And apart from
a few snafu with the roof top luggage rack, and the loose flap that
slapped the roof of the van any time I went over 80 mph's, we had
some fun stopping by the Del Taco in Barstow, a truck stop in
Mesquite, and the Costco in St George which oddly enough, featured no
Mormon women in bouffant hairdo's wearing pastel colored dresses.
We spoke about how St George was very,
very close to the town in Nebraska and then I posed a real brain
teaser to my wife if she would rather live in St George by Zion, or
by 29 Palms near Joshua Tree.
We finally settled on it was better to
be in California, close to the things we hold near and dear although
quite frankly I was leaning towards Utah, probably moreso out of the
adage of “familiarity breeds contempt” then anything else.
We made the drive through Springdale
and I always love the hipster vibe it gives off and the generally
amicable demeanor of the locals, of which this afternoon was a
grand total of one. We stopped by the SOL market to pick up
additional staples as well as to just see what they offered as we
would be back in town the next day, but more importantly, staying the
next night in a mountain lodge that had a gas grill which of course
meant I had to BBQ something. Not a bad selection either, it was
almost like Whole Foods mixed with Stater Bros as seen in Sedona
Arizona. We bought a couple of Mexican Pepsi's which paired well with
the Baby Swiss Cheez Its I brought along with us for road snacks.
We entered the park and had though
originally maybe hiking a quick, short trail, but given that I woke
up at 4:30AM and after an 8-9 hour drive and the hour added through
the time change, and also given we were still 45 minutes from the
lodge was probably a no go for the hike. And I always am jealous of
those lucky enough to get campsites right within the Park. I figure
there surley can not be any better place to camp as A)there are
hundreds of trails and every one sure to have a great view and B)the
Virgin river runs right through the park which means you take a quick
dip if it gets too hot. This time my feelings were a bit adjusted
however as there were signs posted everywhere about fire warning
meaning no campers were allowed to have a campfire. For me, camping
with a campfire is life decaf coffee or nonalcoholic beer. Especially
with the fire in Colorado Springs recently, it made sense I
understood-and actually this one time made me happy I was not camping
My folks were really enjoying the
majestic views and the scenery. After we passed through the tunnel
that takes you into Mt Carmel, we pulled off of a couple of the view
points to get some fresh air and take it all in. The weather was
perfect, while it was 90 degrees in Springdale(according to
weather.com anyhow), inside the park was perfect with a nice breeze
and a comforting sun, as opposed to the blistering, searing sun we
faced at Joshua Tree a few weeks previous.
We pulled off at one random turnout and
were taking some pictures when a car pulled behind us, and stepping
out was a woman with a huge professional grade camera. She gestured
to the hill across from us and as we looked a huge bighorn sheep was
making its way across the bluff. It was fairly good size and I did my
best to take a few pictures from all of the camera devices we
carried. They are not uncommon by any stretch for the area, but it
was the first time I saw one in the wild. And soon, the 2 cars on the
turnout turned into 4 cars and a van with everyone busting out
cameras to take pictures of new big horned friend.
We got back into the car and finally
made out way to our temporary home that was the Zion Ponderosa. We
had a cabin for the first night and a luxury home for the next two.
It was nice to unpack, crack a cold beer, and take a stroll of the
grounds. Later, took a quick jaunt to the pool and while the
conditions may have been excellent for those guest from colder
climates, for us it seemed pretty chilly so were content to sit in
the hot tub and relax for a bit before heading back to the cabin for
our Costco dinner we bought previously.
For some reason, camping food always
tastes better and while we in a cabin as opposed to sleeping in an
actual tent, the principle held with the Costco Ceaser Salad and
Turkey Swiss wrap seeming like Filet Mignon washed down Silver Oak.
It was comforting and after a quick shower I was ready for some sleep
yet still excited for tomorrows adventure. And once again my
california blood was not use to the time change in conjunction with
geography meant the sun not even starting to set well after 8:15pm.
I was kind of hoping the kids may have been tired and gone to bed
early but alas the late sunset and the wife's decision to give the
kids some instant hot cocoa mix meant it was not to be. 9:45pm never
felt as much like midnight at it did on this occasion. I still
awaited the next couple of days with eagerness and what awaited for
us. With the views offered up at Zion and a few days to hike some new
trails for views not seen by those merely taking the tram tour, I
could not wait to get started.
My attempt at a panarama show...and the pesky sun ruining brilliance. |
Big Horn Sheep.....others said the sheep in the area were undersized, I am pretty sure this one was 'roiding. |
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Getting in touch with my Foodie Side; Chef Paul, Carmenair Wine, Pontificis, Shrimp Ravioli
I have not had the time to update ye old blog in a while so thought it would be fun to post some of my recent food creations and some wine I have been into lately. Enjoy!
This was some lemon dill salmon the wife prepared. She used the majority for sashimi but I was able to talk her into creating something else. She used some fresh dill and some lemon infused olive oil and a spritz of honey balsamic vinegar that gave the needed light hint of sweetness to it. Was a wonderful dish we enjoyed with some white wine which unfortunately I have forgotten the name and label. My bad.
This was another salmon dish that I oven baked using some Chef Paul Salmon Magic. Trust me on this, if you want amazing salmon simply buy the aforementioned spice and apply it liberally. Whether you are grilling it or oven baking, or even a quick sear-you simply can not go wrong with the Chef Paul.
This was a tri tip I did on the grill. It was on sale at Fresh and Easy and while I had never picked up a slab of meat like this before, I was impressed with the quality. Sure its not the Beef Palace but for the price certainly better than Stater Bros or some of the other local markets. For this cut I finally tried ground coffee as part of the dry rub and it did not disappoint. It had a savory, smoky flavor that worked for sure. The quick details, I dry rubbed using a bevy of mixes in the spice cabinet and the coffee. I then turned the grill for a semi indirect heat and cranked the left burner to maximum and seared all sides for roughly a minute or two, and the top racked the roast and kept feeding the smoke chips for the next half hour or so. Red meat/Red wine-you are a wondrous melange of flavors that vegetarians and non-alcoholics dont deserve to experience.
Carmerair wine from Trader Joes. Maybe the best chilean wine I have ever had. The Carmenair along with the Pontificis wine have been two great best buy TJ wines. I think the carmenair is probably a little more user friendly, but after aeration and opening up a bit the Pontificis was fantastic and gave off far more flavor than you would expect for the bottle price. Must buys for you TJ's fans! Jason of Jason's Wine Blog fame, offers up a great in depth review of the 2010 PontificisWine.
This was some lemon dill salmon the wife prepared. She used the majority for sashimi but I was able to talk her into creating something else. She used some fresh dill and some lemon infused olive oil and a spritz of honey balsamic vinegar that gave the needed light hint of sweetness to it. Was a wonderful dish we enjoyed with some white wine which unfortunately I have forgotten the name and label. My bad.
This was another salmon dish that I oven baked using some Chef Paul Salmon Magic. Trust me on this, if you want amazing salmon simply buy the aforementioned spice and apply it liberally. Whether you are grilling it or oven baking, or even a quick sear-you simply can not go wrong with the Chef Paul.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Some Love for My Pop Star Friend Davis Fetter
Wanted to give a quick shout out to my old friend Davis Fetter who has recently released a brand new single and video. Davis is a Southern California native with whom I became acquainted with when I did a story about Peter Murphy and his band was the opening act. We immediately hit it off and our love of music and mutual interest in guitar made for some great conversations as well as me doing some interviews with him. He is a great young kid for whom I wish a ton of success for in today's Justin Bieber-ish musical landscape. For this tune in particular, Davis manages to somehow conjure some visions of Buddy Holly over a tight hard driving, straight forward riff that reminds me of the some of the Damned's earlier work for some crazy reason.
You can watch the video here....
All of his work in available on iTunes as well. Go check it out and tell him Hipcheck sent you. https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/born-single/id590849627
All of his work in available on iTunes as well. Go check it out and tell him Hipcheck sent you. https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/born-single/id590849627
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